Trade is critical to Somalia’s future, and a driving force for economic growth. An enabling environment for trading is one that allows faster, fairer, more predictable, and transparent processing and clearance of imports and exports—all at the lowest cost to the traders. Somalia Trade Information Portal is a part of Somalia’s Trade Facilitation Programme under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI).
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Information on trade, including laws and regulations, measures, standards, procedures, process maps, guidance notes, fees, forms, licenses and permit and customs tariff (organized by HS Code) as well as duty, fees, taxes, levies and applicable penalties in case of a breach.
Information on measures comprising of licensing and permit requirements, technical conformity standards, certification requirements and generally any form of authorization, inspection, verification, or other forms of control concerning export, import, and transit.
Information on procedures required when applying for licenses, permits, border clearance or other regulatory obligations relating to export, import or transit of goods and means of transport and Forms (application forms, licenses, permits, etc.) relating to procedures.
Information relating to international, regional and bilateral trade agreements to which Somalia is a party, including the applicable rules, regulations and requirements and the opportunities for Somalia on a product by product basis.
Today, @mocisom of Somalia launched the first Somali Trade Information Portal which contains reforms,regulations, procedures related to trade for the private sector. The portal ( will save traders time/money when importing or exporting.
— MoCI Somalia (@mocisom) August 25, 2021
Thanks @IFCAfrica
#Somalia’s @mocisom has launched an online #trade portal containing the trade regulations & procedures companies need to do business. The portal ( will save traders time and money when importing or exporting. Congratulations on this innovation!
— IFC Africa (@IFCAfrica) August 25, 2021
Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) implemented the online business registration system ( The system is automated and offers business registration and licensing services and it is a groundbreaking and innovative project for the government e-services; this will improve the time and streamline the procedures for the business people to start enterprises. The aim of this new system is to enable entrepreneurs to register their business within one day using an online platform....Read
To facilitate cross-border trade and provide more transparent trade information for businesses, Somalia's Ministry of Commerce and Industry, supported by IFC, today launched a trade information portal to lower costs and simplify trade procedures for Somali importers and exporters. The portal, found at, provides a single source for all cross-border trade information. Over 90 laws, regulations, procedures, and other trade-related measures from over a dozen government agencies can now be accessed online. Businesses can also access licenses, permits, and applicable fees. ...Read
The Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has published the first Somali Industrial Property Journal. Publication of this Journal is provided under the Trade Mark Law No. 3 of 22 nd January 1955, As Amendment by Law No. 33, of 18 January, 1975, and Law No. 3, of December 1987. This Journal is published monthly by the Ministry as part of the procedures for protection of industrial property rights....Read
The Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has published the first Somali Industrial Property Journal. Publication of this Journal is provided under the Trade Mark Law No. 3 of 22 nd January 1955, As Amendment by Law No. 33, of 18 January, 1975, and Law No. 3, of December 1987. This Journal is published monthly by the Ministry as part of the procedures for protection of industrial property rights. ...Read
This Publication shows the statistics of Somalia Livestock Export for the year 2023 and some of 2024 ...Read